Gabriel Engelke - Top 5

We asked Carhartt WIP rider Gabriel Engelke to show us his favorite 5 photos. It's always a hard decision to pick only 5 photos out of the library, but the following 5 are Gabeeb's choice. Thanks a lot Gabriel!
Beach - this photo was taken on one of the strangest days on an Antiz tour - I woke up early sleeping just with my sleeping bag in a abandoned park in the outskirts of the city Haag in Holland, we were supposed to sleep in a skate park there but we couldn't find it so we decided to jump a wall that looked like it was not supposed to be jumped and ended up inside a mystic place. Anyway, the day before I decided to buy myself some magic shrooms, I'm not the type that goes bananas with drugs but I've always wanted to try some so what's not better than a sunny beautiful morning in this park. I sat down all alone in a big field with flowers and trees surrounding it and had my special breakfast with some water. From this moment until I shoot this picture I had an amazing day tripping on absolutely everything.
Train station - I was on my way to France to visit my girlfriend's family in Nantes and this leak of water that had happened in the National Theater train station was just begging to get photographed. I remember this day very well because just an hour later I was entering the flight bus. I heard a huge explosion and I thought that it was big truck that crashed in to something because it was so powerful that I could feel the shock wave. Just a moment later I heard on the radio news that a big bomb exploded in the center of Oslo and later that day 96 teenagers got shot by the same man that arranged the bomb. It was a very sad and strange day and I feel that this photo has something of that touch?
Sculpture - This was during a tour with Antiz from Barcelona to Madrid and this Portrait of Pepe the new kid on Antiz was taken in Zaragoza on a way too hot day for skating.
Couple - These two talents are Randolph and Crista, posing for me in my kitchen. Every time I have somebody visiting at my place I'm shooting a pic of them in front of the same wall and then the photos goes on my Kitchen faces blog.
Underwear - this American girl named Lesly Grant is modeling for an underwear company created by Aniela Parys and I've been out shooting some pictures for her new collection.